Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA)
- CEPAs align the Business, Financial and Personal goals to the business exit strategy, working alongside the owner and a full resource team.
- They can be business brokers, M&A advisors, wealth managers, CPAs, Estate planners, and value builders.
- A CEPA engagement is done in 90-day sprints:
- Discovery, Protection and Decision phases.

90 Day Sprints
After every 90 day sprint, decide whether to continue to grow with the Value Acceleration methodology or Exit the business
- Increase Profitability and Net Cash Flow
- Increase Value of Human, Social, Structural, Customer Capital
- Increase alignment of Personal, Financial and Business Goals with the exit strategy identified
- The exit strategy can change as the business grows in value
- Retake assessments at end of each 90 day sprint to note progress towards exit goals
- Internal Transfer examples
- Family
- External Transfer examples
- Private Equity Group (PEG)
- 3rd party buyer
- Acquisition by a strategic buyer